At the first game, we were asked to submit team name ideas by email. The first idea submitted? Black Currants. Terrifying, right? Tiny fruit...ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Next up: Black widows. Really? Spiders? Deadly or otherwise, you can still step on them. It wasn't looking good. So I decided to weigh in.
"What about Ninja's?"
After all, Ninja's are pretty badass! They sneak up on you and them BAM! Wasn't that how we wanted to score all our goals this season? I thought so!
As I had expected, the team loved the idea, and so we became the Ice Ninja's. [NOTE: No one is actually afraid of us, but it feels pretty good to scream "Hi-YAHHH!" before every period :o) ]
Anyway, my teammate and I thought we'd make some cookies for the team for Christmas. But instead of making plain ol' cookies...we decided to go with the theme and make Ninjabread Men! Check 'em out :)
The box:
Our finished cookies:
Pretty good right? We thought so! The number one question I get about these is "How did you shape them as Ninja's?!" And the answer is...cookie cutters. Grab some for yourself at Think Geek.
The second most common question I get is "How do you make black icing?" It's actually pretty simple. Whether you use store bought or home made icing, start with chocolate. Brown is the best place to start to get the icing black. Then, add black gel food colouring, made by Wilton. (It sounds like a highly specialized icing thing, I know. But you can get it at Wal Mart or Michaels.) Mix it in and voila! Black icing :)
And there you have it! Another knockoff success :)