It's a serious case of "The Never-Ending To-Do List."
That being said, it's still really fun to dream :) Here are some of the projects I've pinned recently and hope to get to... AFTER the wedding!
Scrabble tile coasters...cuz Kirk is a major Scrabble fan!
"Oscar" cookies for an Academy Award themed party!
These are from the Bakerella website.
Oyster cookies :) From the Disney Family Fun website.
A magnetic makeup board! GREAT idea! From the Laura Thoughts blog.
A "Game Boy" dress for Halloween! From the aptly named Creating Really Awesome Free Things (C.R.A.F.T.) blog :)
And last but not least...
Custom R2D2 Toms :) From a very talented seller named Kara on Etsy.
Meg :)