Sunday 1 April 2012

Wrap Bracelets

So it's been awhile since my last post...sorry about that :) It's not because I haven't been busy. It's that I've been SO busy I haven't had time to write about it! Thank goodness for quiet Sunday afternoons :)

One of the projects that inspired this blog was the wrap bracelet trend. I was hearing these bracelets were selling for over $300 in Vancouver, and I figured I could make one for myself for less than $15. Turns out, I was right! 

Here's the inspiration (by Chan Luu):

And here's my completed project! (I really need a better camera):

Not bad, hey? And guess what? It was EASY! After a short (literally 5 minute) instruction session from a co-worker, I was off and running. I've made a bunch since I started, but the one pictured is my favorite. I get TONS of compliments, and people never believe me when I say I made it myself. Super fun :) I'm really excited about making some this spring that are NEON - because I am loving that trend. Nothing like re-living the 80's!

If you want to make your own, I found a good tutorial online HERE. Or, if you'd like to buy one, check out Taralicious Designs on Facebook. She makes GORGEOUS stuff! I just wish I had a bigger jewelry box... :)


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